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Refire! Don't Retire

In this episode - Refire! Don’t Retire . . .

It's 2024, and I'm feeling overwhelmed with all the talk about New Year's resolutions, goals, exercise, and spiritual growth. On top of that, this year marks the 50th anniversary of my graduation from Cuba High School. Some of my friends have been suggesting that I take a break and enjoy the simple pleasures of retirement.

Imagine sitting in a cozy rocking chair on your back porch, watching the beauty of nature unfold before your eyes. Being able to pull out that old camera and explore the creative world of photography, travel again, explore the Sierras, or just spend some time with family and friends.

You’ve heard it said that it’s important to prioritize your well-being and find joy in the little things, so why not consider retiring and taking it easy for a while? Doesn't this sound inviting? Be careful what you wish for.

Recently, while meeting with my primary care physician for an annual physical, he asked, “Do you have any questions?”

Yes, "I was wondering what’s the typical health of your retired patients? I'm considering retiring myself," I asked. 

“That’s a very good question,” he said.

"I hate to say this, but a significant number of retirees suffer from boredom and a lack of mental stimulation due to the absence of hobbies, exercise, and friends. This often leads to a rapid decline in their health. My suggestion is to keep your mind and body stimulated to maintain a healthy life.”

“What hobbies do you have?” asked the doctor.

“I consider myself pretty active; I produce a weekly podcast, maintain a Blog, do distance cycling, walk 30 minutes a day, play guitar and piano, and now I’m learning to play the ancient Chinese game of GO.”

“Sounds like retirement would suit you just fine,” said the Doctor.

My listening friends, my laundry list of activities is not about me; it's about how you have a choice to do what inspires you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don’t wait to start thinking about these things as you approach retirement, Start Today! How you ask?

My suggestion is get the book "Refire! Don't Retire–Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life” by Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz from your local library, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon. This book is a motivational guide that encourages you to reinvent your approach to aging and work.

In this small book (143 pages) Blanchard suggests a different approach to retirement where individuals remain active and involved in their lives by finding renewed passion, purpose, and enthusiasm. This book emphasizes the importance of staying curious, setting new goals, developing new relationships, and maintaining a positive attitude to lead a fulfilling and rewarding life beyond the conventional retirement age.

Each chapter ends with a summary page titled - Pause, Reflect, Take Action.

For example, Chapter Three, "Love is the Key," poses the following questions:

Pause, Reflect, Take Action

  1. What might you do to reach out to someone close to you–a spouse or good friend–to revitalize that relationship?
  2. What new people can you reach out to and make a part of your life?
  3. What can you do to let others know you care about them?
  4. What is your plan for making the world a better place?
  5. Tell a person that you appreciate them.

So, I’m revising my action list, reading more, getting out the door to exercise, and reaching out to old friends to see if they would like to sit on that porch for a while and watch the beauty of human nature unfold before their eyes.

I’m Patrick Ball. Thanks for listening! See you in the next episode.


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