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Little Golden Books

In this episode - Little Golden Books . . .


Experience the magic of Christmas this season with our audio rendition of "Santa’s Toy Shop" (circa 1950). This delightful tale, inspired by the Little Golden Book and illustrated by Walt Disney Studios, takes you on a journey to the North Pole, where Santa Claus and his merry elves work tirelessly to prepare for the holiday season and create toys for children worldwide.

Readers get a glimpse of the magical toy-making process as the elves work diligently to craft gifts for children. Each toy is made with care and imagination, showcasing the creativity and craftsmanship of Santa's workshop. Amidst the cheerful chaos of preparing for Christmas, the story highlights the joy of giving and the spirit of generosity that defines the holiday season. As Santa and his team work tirelessly to ensure every child receives that special gift, the book captures the warmth and wonder of Christmas.

A little background - George Duplaix created Little Golden Books, then the Artists and Writers Guild president and Simon & Schuster publishers in partnership with Western Printing and Lithographing Company. Golden books were launched in 1942 during World War II. The aim was to produce high-quality children's books at an affordable price (25 cents initially), making them accessible to a wider audience.

The first 12 titles were released on October 1, 1942, including iconic stories like "The Poky Little Puppy" and "Three Little Kittens." Golden books were distinct for their sturdy cardboard covers and colorful illustrations, making them quite different from other children's books of that era. The success of the Little Golden Books soared quickly, and by the end of the 1940s, they were a staple in many American homes. They covered many genres, from fairy tales to adaptations of popular children's characters from TV shows and movies. Over the years, many famous authors and illustrators have contributed to the series, ensuring a diverse collection of stories and characters.

Golden books’ popularity grew, becoming integral to childhood reading experiences for several generations. The Little Golden Books series remains an essential part of children's literature, with hundreds of titles published and cherished by readers worldwide.

"Santa's Toy Shop" is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the magic of Christmas, the spirit of giving, and the joy of making dreams come true for children everywhere.

Enjoy this special audio production of Santas Toy Shop . . .


I’m Patrick Ball. Thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.


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