In this episode - See You At the Top . . .
"You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want."
And - "You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility."
It's an extraordinary book. Here's how it starts:
"The End - Perhaps an unusual way to start a book – but this is a "usual" book. It's about you, your family, your future, and how you can get more out of them by giving more to each of them.
We believe that this is "the end," or at least the beginning of the end, of negative thinking, negative action, and negative reaction; the end of defeatism and despondency the end of settling for less than you deserve to have and are capable of obtaining; the end of being influenced by little people, with little minds thinking little thoughts about the trivia that is the stock and trade of Mr. and Mrs. Mediocrity. In short, it is the end for you of the world's most deadly disease – "Hardening of the Attitudes."
Welcome to a more prosperous life.
See You at the Top is filled with stories that will grab your attention, make you laugh, fill you with positive emotion, and unleash the value of your untapped ability. And over the next few weeks, I will share some of these timeless lessons through stories from this book.
In the meantime, check it out; See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar. You'll be glad you did. Be safe, keep the faith, enjoy your summer, and challenge your dreams. "Your success and your happiness start with you."
"Won't you be my neighbor?" If you enjoy our visits, please share them with a friend.
I'm Patrick Ball; thanks so much for listening. I'll see you in the next episode.