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Electronic Waste

In this episode - Electronic Waste . . .

Last week we examined the resurgence of the LP record. What prompted that episode was visiting our local record shop to see about replacing a turntable cartridge. Well, after a bit of experimentation, I discovered it wasn't my turntable at fault. The problem was with my Harman/Kardon integrated stereo amplifier.

While playing records, one channel cut out, switching to mono; both channels played. My first thought was, "I'd had this amplifier for over 40 years; maybe it's time to replace it" - until I started looking at the price of a new comparable amplifier. I suppose there's a market on eBay where you can pick up something similar, but why get a used replacement that may develop other unknown issues? Also, buying a new unit meant the old one would end up on a massive pile of electronic waste that seems to multiply exponentially in today's throw-away culture.

The integrated stereo amplifier remains popular for audiophiles and music enthusiasts who appreciate high-quality sound reproduction and the convenience of having multiple components integrated into a single unit. A little research shows that consumer electronics prices in the 1980s were typically higher than today; I recall paying over 600 dollars for a first-generation Yamaha CD-X1 player.

Indeed, the rise of streaming music services and wireless speakers has increased the popularity of all-in-one systems, which typically feature built-in amplifiers and speakers in a compact, space-saving design. In contrast, some high-end audio enthusiasts may opt for separate preamp and power amplifier components instead of an integrated amplifier.

At the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, "Back in my day, if you had an issue with your HiFi Stereo, you didn't just toss it out like a piece of junk. No, no, no. You made a trip to your local retailer for repairs. That meant a trip to Stereo Village in Canton, Illinois. The owner there was a real craftsman. He'd invite you back to his workbench to discuss possible repairs, and you'd see firsthand the many tools and gadgets he'd use to diagnose and repair components.

A few of them are;

  • Multimeter: Used to measure electrical voltage, current, and resistance.
  • Oscilloscope: Measures and displays electronic signals, such as voltage and current.
  • Circuit tester: Used to test the continuity of a circuit.
  • Soldering iron: A tool used to melt the solder and join electrical components together.
  • Wire strippers: A tool used to strip the insulation off wires.
  • Insulation testers: Used to check the insulation of electrical components.
  • Megohmmeter: A device used to measure the resistance of electrical insulation.
Electronic waste was less dominant than it is today. The electrical service repairman ensured that the systems were safe and efficient. Some record stores had an electronics technician responsible for repairing and maintaining equipment and components, such as motors, transformers, and switches. They used the tools described and tested equipment to diagnose problems, replace defective parts, and check the repaired equipment to ensure it functions properly.

Where is all this leading, you ask?

Well, electronics stores today have long ago eliminated the in-house repairman at the bench. However, a quick Google search may help you locate one of these technicians still practicing in your neighborhood.

My good fortune was the discovery of Vista Electronics, owned and operated by Terry Grant, a resident in the repair business for over 45 years. Their website states, "We started when Terry came to San Diego in 1968. While in the U.S. Navy, he began a career as an electronics technician. After leaving the Navy, Terry was employed by a local TV & appliance store as an apprentice technician, advancing to home service manager."

The bottom line is this - don't discard your old electronics. Terry told me, "They don't make these amplifiers like they used to; I would hold onto this one. It will provide great service for at least 20 years or more!"

And if I may add, "Unlike the first obsolete electronic personal computer you spent thousands on." - Electronic Waste!

I'm Patrick Ball; thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.


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