In this episode - Frosty the Snowman . . .
Frosty the Snowman is a 1969 American animated Christmas television (TV) special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. It’s the first television special featuring the character Frosty the Snowman. The program aired on December 7, 1969, on the CBS network in the United States, broadcast immediately after the fourth showing of A Charlie Brown Christmas. Frosty the Snowman has been televised annually for the CBS network’s holiday season ever since.
Based on the Walter E. Rollins and Steve Nelson tune of the same name, the TV special featured the voices of comedians Jimmy Durante as the film’s narrator, Billy De Wolfe as Professor Hinkle, and Jackie Vernon as Frosty.
Durante was one of the first to record the original song released in 1950 (though, at the time, the song had slightly different lyrics); he re-recorded the music for the TV special. TV Guide ranked the special number nine on its 10 Best Family Holiday Specials list.
This audio rendition was read from Frosty the Snowman by; Diane Muldrow - A Golden Book, published in 2013. Enjoy!
I’m Patrick Ball; thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.