In this episode - The Dentist . . .
Ok, let's just fess up and be honest - you hate going to the dentist! Why? Here's what happens. You wake up the day of your appointment with thoughts of "Oh NO, today is the day!" Your stomach starts to churn; your nerves are on edge; what are they putting me through today? With trepidation, you bravely move forward.
To calm yourself, you tend to your daily routine: breakfast, shave, shower, brush your teeth, floss, and rinse. Then you hop into the car, make the drive, and check-in at the reception desk. Unknowingly your blood pressure starts to rise. You're called into the examination room and slide into the dental chair. Then your mind starts racing.
Here's the reality - we all have horrible memories that cause you to start squirming in the chair. Try to eliminate those bad experiences; those memories become the forefront of your thoughts. The one that stands out for me was circa 1962, in Dr. Sandercock's office in Abington, Illinois. Our family dentist needed to drill out a cavity; he assured me, "No needles, he could do this without Novocain. Close your eyes, open wide," the drill starts to whine - then POW! He hits the nerve. My entire body lurched in the chair.
"Did you plug me into an electric outlet!?"
After that, I don't remember anything the dentist said or what he did. I just wanted out of there! Can you relate?
Subsequently, every time I enter a dentist's office, smell the unique smells and hear the whine of a dentist's drill, my entire body tenses up, just waiting to be plugged in. Like you and your experience, that memory (pain) is burned into my psyche.
Rest assured, this podcast is not about the pain inflicted by a terrible dentist but what happens when you find a competent one. It takes time to find your dentist. After trying out a few, I was lucky to find the dentist I now visit faithfully. Not to relive the drill experience but for preventative maintenance, cleanings, and check-ups.
I'll admit, recently, we had a 25-year-old crown replaced, and I didn't feel a thing! And I'm here to sell you - because it starts with a skilled, friendly dental hygienist. Don't underestimate the value of such a qualified, reassuring individual. Mine is a Gem! And as you can see from the photo, practices safe habits.
Do I still get nervous sitting in the dental chair? I sure do! I'm afraid that horrible experience will always be with me. But practicing the daily habits my hygienist prescribes has kept me from experiencing the sting of that drill for many years now.
And if you're good, you receive a treat - not candy, but a new toothbrush with a travel-sized tube of toothpaste, floss dispenser, Chapstick, and a big smile from her.
I'm Patrick Ball; thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.