In this episode - Possibility Thinking . . .
Dateline - November 22, 1987. “Doctor Schuller, Lori, and I have decided to marry and I’m wondering what’s the “Possibility” of you performing our ceremony?”
With a broad smile, Dr. Robert H. Schuller winked at me and said, “It’s a very good possibility, however, my schedule is rather busy, you will need to contact my secretary to make the arrangements.”
So, the next day, Lori called.
“What date are you considering?” She asked.
“October 22nd, next year, possibly a morning ceremony.”
“I’m afraid he’s out of town that day. The earliest he is available is 6:00 pm.”
“That’s fine, we can work with that.”
After confirmation with Dr. Schuller’s secretary, the following day, Lori called the events manager of weddings.
“Who is your Pastor?”
“Doctor Schuller.”
With a professional demeanor, but obvious disbelief in her voice, “You do know Dr. Schuller does not perform wedding ceremonies anymore? Also, our time slots for weddings and receptions are limited to; 9:00 am, 11:00, 1:00, 5:00, and 7:00 pm.”
Lori calmly said, ”Please call Dr. Schuller’s secretary, he is scheduled to perform our ceremony at 6:00 pm, on October 22nd.”
“Oh, 6:00 p.m.? . . . We will take care of all the arrangements.”
Let’s back up, I’ll never forget the concerned expression on Lori’s face and the question she asked after we decided to marry, “Which pastor, of the 15 ministers on staff, do you think will perform our wedding ceremony?”
“Why Dr. Schuller, who else?” Was my immediate and confident response.
“How do you think that’s going to happen?”
“We ask him.”
Since our introduction, in 1986, to Dr. Schuller and his pragmatic approach to possibility thinking we had been commuting every Sunday from Santa Monica to Garden Grove to attend services.
In addition to his sermons, we began reading Dr. Schuller’s books. Among the most influential, Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking. First published in 1967. We were becoming new people. Possibility Thinkers.
Are you a possibility thinker? Do you look for reasons why something can’t be done instead of searching for ways to achieve it?
My listening friends, Possibility Thinking does not just happen overnight, it takes time, faith, and the daily discipline of putting good; clean, positive, powerful thoughts into your mind.
I’ll admit, before 1986 I’d never heard of Robert Schuller or The Crystal Cathedral.
During my early days as a young educator, I diligently worked to build my self-esteem. The “positive thinking” movement was in full force. My favorites were Zig Ziglar, Dennis Waitley, and Earl Nightingale. While listening to cassette recordings, they made mention of this television pastor who preached Possibility Thinking weekly on The Hour of Power.
Honestly, his name simply slipped through my conscious thoughts until that day Lori showed me the Los Angeles Times announcing that Dr. Norman Vincent Peal would be speaking at The Crystal Cathedral.
I’m proud to say, on October 22, 2021, we will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. That moment changed both our lives forever . . .
This is Patrick Ball, thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.