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Acres of Diamonds

In this episode - Acres of Diamonds . . .

 "Each of us is, at this moment, standing in the middle of his or her Acres of Diamonds." Just this week (02/17/2022), I've re-discovered this powerful message once again. This got me thinking. Are you struggling with success? I challenge you to listen to this Podcast every morning for one month and practice positive principles.

It was over 60 years ago when Earl Nightingale wrote and produced what has become known as The Strangest Secret. An LP record sold over a million copies, making it the first spoken-word recording to achieve Gold Record status. The promise of his message was this, "We become what we think about."

I must have been about nine when that quote first entered my mind. Our family's morning breakfast routine was to listen to "Our Changing World" Earl Nightingale's daily five-minute radio program. It was syndicated on our local radio station: "WBYS - AM, and FM—Canton, Illinois." That jingle still echoes in my mind.

Nightingale's deep, resonant voice captivated my imagination. Little did I know that the program would have such a profound impact on my thinking. Subsequently, Earl Nightingale shared many insightful quotes that have influenced my life. This Podcast captures of few of the best.

"Your attitudes and expectations are a merciless reflection of you." Food for thought, huh?

I'm again reminded to start each day with this positive daily routine. Set aside time just to; listen - read - and reflect. I've read and listened to many authors and speakers with a twist on the same message all these years.

"We become what we think about, but the thinking is up to us." - Earl Nightingale.

However, it's been my experience that the message, in a quote, is not always clearly received by its listener. For example, did you know that "a positive attitude won't allow you to do everything? But, it will allow you to do what you do better." - Zig Ziglar.

So, why do people struggle in society today? People are afraid to take a chance on themselves; they tend to follow the crowd.

"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice; it's conformity." - Rollo May.

Do you show up for work every day wondering why am I here? If so, why? It's because you conform to the expectations of your boss, your family, friends, and worst of all, the expectations you have of yourself.

Everyone wants to succeed at something. But if asked, "How would you define success? They might say, "Lots of money, a fancy car, or . . ."

Success, simply put, is "The day-by-day realization of a worthy goal." But of course, it takes courage.

Courage is the freedom to dream, set a goal, write it down, and spend your life working to achieve that goal. If you can discipline yourself to do this, you are successful, right now, today! Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not quite that easy.

Here's why - these ideas hold the key to success and the key to failure:

"A man is what he thinks about all day long." - Emerson.

"If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results." - Norman Vincent Peal. 

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson.

The bible states it this way, "As you sow, so also shall you reap."

So, what do you allow your thoughts to dwell on each day? Do you spend your life complaining about critical, cynical folks? Or - do you plant positive, constructive, powerful ideas in your mind each day?

I'm convinced we all want excellent results from life, in our home, in our work, and in all our relations with other people. Be it financial, intangible, or both. "The most important single factor that guarantees good results, day in, day out, all the months and years of our lives, is a healthy attitude!" - Earl Nightingale.

is your key to success.

Earl Nightingale defined Attitude as "The position or bearing as indicating an action, feeling, or mood." And it is our actions, feelings, or moods that determine the actions, feelings, or moods of others.

He stated it so eloquently; "Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a merciless mirror of our attitudes and expectations."

This is very interesting. It says that the Attitude and expectations of my friends and associates are simply a reflection of me!

You get what you put out. It's like mining for diamonds. Did you know diamond miners move over 23 tons of dirt to find a single gem diamond – but they don't go into the mine looking for dirt — they go in looking for the gems!

Yes, I am responsible. It all begins with that magic word, Attitude.

"Attitudes are not the result of success; success is the result of great attitudes."

So what are you waiting for? Start today begin mining your Acres of Diamonds.

First, decide what you want, then write it down.

Second, treat others precisely like you want them to treat you - with respect, and dignity, look for the gem in other people.

When you look for those characteristics in others — surprise, you will find them and nurture them in you!

I'm Patrick Ball; thanks so much for listening; see you in the next episode.

Updated: 02/19/2022


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