Me, I’m still wondering what the cat heard?
Cat lovers out there maybe you can provide some insight.
While playing the introduction to La Bamba, my cat (Junior), jumps to my shoulders, needles a little, settles in, and meows in my ear. I suppose if he could talk he would say: “Dude, how many times do you have to repeat the same segment to get it right?”
Well, about the time I break off to play the intro to this song Jr. decides he’s not getting enough attention and jumps to my shoulders. He shifts positions a couple of times then settles with his head against my right ear and wants to be petted.
“Ok, ok, I’ll scratch behind your ear, just sit still please.”
All the while his tail whipping back and forth slapping me up-side the head as if in rhythm to what I’m playing.
This goes on until I shift positions to flip the page on the music stand. Then Jr. jumps down, sits on my keyboard, and proceeds to stare directly at me as if to say, “Have you settled down yet?”
I relent, tip my shoulder a little and he immediately resumes his position on my shoulders, purring in my right ear.
Now for those of you learning guitar, I really do not recommend the technique of having a 15-pound cat on your shoulders as you practice.
Granted, over the past three years, Jr. has heard me butcher many tunes I’ve attempted to play.
So, I guess I’m still wondering, “What the cat heard?”
This is Patrick Ball, thanks for listening, see you in the next episode.