First of all, we want to thank you all for your warm, heartfelt wishes and kind words of encouragement about the loss of our dearest member of the family, Junior.
I realize with all that’s happening in the world, the war in Israel, and Ukraine, the ridiculous amount of school shootings and gun violence, and in general, the Bad News you hear about every night on the television, the passing of a cat may seem quiet trivial in perspective. However, I’m afraid our TV generation of violence and killings has calloused our emotional system, and somehow, we’ve become the automatons we fear in the AI sector of our world. Allow me to remind you of something: when you lose a family member, that shield disappears completely, and if you are human at all, you can’t help but break down suddenly at any given moment into a blubbering mass with tears and uncontrolled sobbing. Thank God for our pets, family, and friends and for building into the human spirit that emotional thermostat.
In a recent discussion with my good friend Dr. Hanley, he reminded me that you can only experience the true joy of life by riding that emotional rollercoaster. Pain, sorrow, loss, and anger are natural emotions. Remember to always look for the Life-Giving reminders that bring, love, happiness, and joy.
We also want to publicly thank our neighbors, for the thoughtful gift (see the Cat Chimes in the photo) and kind words of love and support during this time of emotional healing. For Jr., there were many locations in our home where he curiously viewed the world. He would follow the warmth of the sun's rays from room to room during the day - but his favorite, as mentioned, was our front window perched on his soft, red, fuzzy blanket. Friends of the neighborhood Juniors' spirit is still there with the comforting sounds of tinkling chimes as a soft breeze caresses him.
Again, thank you from the bottom of our broken hearts - All our love.
I’m Patrick Ball, big hugs. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. I’ll see you in the next episode.