Podcast - Meet Methuselah . . . Yes, tonight is Halloween. You were expecting me in a costume as a 969-year-old man? Sorry, this Methuselah is much older. It was day two hiking the Eastern Sierras. Our 27th year wedding anniversary getaway. We had decided to explore the Sierras with Bishop, CA. as our home base. Examining our map, Lori mentioned, “Here’s something we should see. It's the four-mile Methuselah Walk of the ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest near Big Pine, CA.” So we were up early the next morning, raring to go. With directions in hand. Make your way to Big Pine, CA. on Route 395. Turn onto Route 168. Then wind your way slowly up-down, with hairpin switchbacks, and spectacular views with elevation gains from 3,980 feet to over 10,000 feet to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Visitors Center. Heed this warning - the map that says, plan on at least a one hour drive once you leave Route 395 at Big Pine don’t doubt it, it’s slow going. My suggestion, plan ahead. The intrepid hik...
A smidgen of history, a dash of culture - a minute dedicated to making you smile.