As a golden dawn breaks against a deep blue night sky a picturesque crescent Moon hovers just above the horizon . . . “tis the season” of Thanksgiving. The maple trees are in full fall regalia. Many have deposited their leaves. This year we have a lot to be thankful for. We have our health, our family, and yes, that includes Missy and Junior – the tabbies. . . . Its 4:00 am, can’t sleep, too many details including dinner to be prepared. This year - like many before - Lori and I are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for friends and family. Lori is the chef and my self-appointed post is to prepare the house for guests. This is no small endeavor, the preparations really began about three weekends ago, once the commitment was made. That’s when the repairs really began. A house becomes a home when the family accepts the reality there are always little things that demand repair. At our house these repairs are always neglected until guests are expected. Handyman - I’m no...
A smidgen of history, a dash of culture - a minute dedicated to making you smile.