I must have been about nine when that quote first entered my subconscious, growing up in Cuba, Illinois. My family’s morning breakfast routine was to listen to the local radio
station: “WBYS - AM and FM—Canton, Illinois.” That jingle vividly echoes in
my mind.
Little did I know that Earl Nightingale’s daily five-minute program,
“Our Changing World,” would have such a profound impact on me. His deep,
resonant voice could captivate the imagination.
The program first aired in 1959, then continued for five minutes a day,
five days a week for more than 40 years. Heard on more than a thousand radio
stations, it was the most widely syndicated program of its time.
Almost 50 years later I still start my day with this positive daily routine,
set aside time just to listen and think. Enjoy music, audio-books, or podcasts that
make your heart sing. For me, it’s “The Strangest
Secret for Succeeding in the World Today” by Earl Nightingale.
Listening to that program transports me back to those days as a young
boy, discovering new ideas, full of excitement and wonder. His words echo through time: “We become what we think about, but the thinking is up to us!”