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Showing posts from July, 2024

Steppin' Out

In this episode - Steppin' Out . . . Welcome back to On the Fly, where we explore life’s adventures, big and small. This week's episode is all about stepping out of your comfort zone. And I'm not just talking about trying a new restaurant or taking a dance class. I'm talking about a real leap of faith. Recently, Lori and I decided to do something for her milestone birthday we haven't done in over 30 years: visit Mexico. Now, for those of you who know us, you know we're creatures of habit. We love our routine, our comfort zone. But sometimes, life calls for a bit of adventure, a little "steppin' out," if you will. Side note for my listeners from Cuba, Illinois. I know what you're thinking: "Mexico? Isn't that dangerous?" Well, let's say there was a bit of apprehension—fear of the unknown, language barriers, and the whole 'foreign country' thing. But then we remembered our friend and colleague John, who lives in Tijuan

One Giant Leap

In this episode - One Giant Leap: 55 Years Later . . .   “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." - Neil Armstrong. It's hard to believe that today marks the 55th anniversary of one of humanity's greatest achievements: the first moon landing. I vividly remember July 20, 1969. Reports say over 57 million people were glued to their TVs, just like me, captivated by the suspense of that historic moment. Watching the original CBS broadcast was a defining experience. In the 1960s, NASA's Apollo program seemed like science fiction. As a 13-year-old, I was mesmerized by Walter Cronkite's coverage on our black-and-white Zenith. For a kid who devoured science fiction, this was the ultimate reality. But behind the awe-inspiring success, the Apollo missions were fraught with peril. The astronauts faced constant dangers, from the Saturn V launch's immense power to the vacuum of space and its unforgiving environment. A single technical malfunction or human err

Shopping Smarter

In this episode, Shopping Smarter: The Costco Advantage . . . Welcome back to On the Fly ! This episode examines Costco as a case study for business-minded listeners. Costco is more than just a place to buy in bulk—it's a cultural phenomenon, a haven for bargain hunters, and a place where strong, loyal communities thrive. Costco transformed the retail world when entrepreneur Sol Price introduced a groundbreaking retail concept in San Diego, California. Price Club was the world's first membership warehouse club, where efficient buying and operating practices gave members unmatched savings. We'll examine what about Costco inspires such devotion in its members and the reasons behind its success. First, let's paint a picture. You enter the vast warehouse and are greeted by an associate at the door. Towering shelves overflow with everything from appliances, diamonds, and toilet paper to TVs. The food court always has a line because of the iconic Costco hot dog and soda deal,

Fire Trucks & Donut Holes

In this episode, Fire Trucks & Donut Holes: California Summit Celebrates Independence Day! Dateline: July 4th, 2024. Welcome back to On the Fly , your neighborhood news on the go! Today, we're celebrating the spirit of community with a recap of this year’s fantastic California Summit Neighborhood 4th of July parade! The 5th annual parade was a resounding success! Over 60 residents, representing the diverse fabric of our community, celebrated our nation's birthday with a festive walkathon (parade). Families of all ages and backgrounds joined in, from energetic youngsters on bikes, electric scooters, and skateboards to families strolling with little ones. It was a true community effort, with everyone walking about a mile and 1/2 together. This year's parade had a Grand Marshal who rode in an electric golf cart. A group of happy kids followed closely behind on their decorated bikes, trikes, and scooters, as well as on foot. The mood was set by playing classic July 4th tune