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Showing posts from August, 2021

Wisdom at 65

In this episode - Wisdom at 65 . . .   As a wise man once said, "There ain't no free lunch.” Yes, I realize the grammar is completely wrong. However, this statement reveals a lot when you take its meaning to heart. It's about work. At 65, I'm still wondering why more folks don't attempt to learn new skills? Challenge yourself, go beyond what you've comfortably achieved in the past. It's exciting, a little unsettling at times, but that's what motivates me every day. "You don't pay the price - you enjoy the benefit" of work that allows you to contribute to society. During my journey through this maze, we call life on earth. Here are a few nuggets that I've uncovered - not discovered, there is a big difference.  Please understand I don't claim originality to these timeless truths. Like everyone who has come before me, I'm just passing on what's helped me along the way. First, as we mentioned in a previous podcast, I attribute ...

A Catch With Dad

In this episode – A Catch With Dad . . . On Thursday, August 12, 2021, Field of Dreams came to life for so many devoted fans of that movie and baseball. Major League Baseball hosted a mid-summer game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox in Dyersville, Iowa, for the first time in its history. The central theme of that movie hinged on father and son bonding – “having a catch.” This reminded me of a story I wrote in 2012 about my Dad. This week would have been Dad's 89 th birthday; he’s been gone for eight years. My fondest baseball memories were not spring training or visiting a major league ballpark; it was not meeting a famous ballplayer. For me, it was learning to catch  lighting ; and field line drives with my Dad. Major League Baseball was always background noise from an old transistor radio tuned to 720  WGN  Chicago as a youngster. Devoted fans chewed over the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals in Cuba, Illinois. For our family, baseball wa...