In this episode, Our First Podcast Anniversary . Wow! It's hard to believe the first episode of On the Fly went live one year ago yesterday! In my subconscious, the seed for this project was planted many years ago, listening to the radio program Our Changing World by Earl Nightingale. When challenged with the question, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Without hesitation, Host a radio show . Then we discovered podcasts. An On-demand radio program. How cool. Was it easy? No. It took many years to refine my writing skills, purchase the right equipment for a working studio, find the right music, learn to record and edit my program. And - find a way to deliver it. I'm proud to say; this podcast became the medium to express my voice. The absolute joy of discovering what motivated me. An exciting, rewarding, life-changing experience. Was it fun? Absolutely! Preparing a weekly production kept me learning, growing, and encouraging myself to explore just ...
A smidgen of history, a dash of culture - a minute dedicated to making you smile.